The Queer Comedy Club Saturdays is a fantastic night of queer comedy, a line up second to none. We regularly have comedians from TV alongside circuit legends and rising stars. 90 minutes of hilarious queer comedy, every Saturday at the UK’s first LGBTQ+ comedy club. Come along and enjoy a cocktail while you experience some of the best comedy in the UK right now in a fun, friendly and welcoming environment.
TV stars, award winning comedians, circuit stars and fresh new talent, every week. Full bar and cocktail list available.
Headliner: Helen Bauer – Known for being a comedy powerhouse with an electric stage presence, Helen is one of the UK’s most exciting rising stand up stars.Helen has written and toured three critically acclaimed shows in Edinburgh, Soho Theatre, Australia and all-around Europe. Her recent TV appearances include Live at the Apollo (BBC 2), Am I Being Unreasonable (BBC One) and Extraordinary (Disney Plus). She also wrote and starred in the short film Small Doses, which is available on BBC iPlayer.Helen also co-hosts the incredibly popular podcast Trusty Hogs, alongside fellow comedian Catherine Bohart.
Doors open at 7.00pm.
Show starts at 7.30pm.